Tuesday, July 10, 2012

CHF Prognostication

I favor the model described by Lee et al in the following study:
Predicting Mortality Among Patients Hospitalized for Heart Failure
The actual risk prediction tool uses easily obtained variables (e.g. Age • Respiratory rate • Systolic blood pressure • Blood urea nitrogen • Serum sodium • Comorbid conditions: cerebrovascular disease, dementia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cirrhosis, cancer, anemia) and the 30d. and 1 year risk score can be computed online:

It has also been validated in populations in the US. 

Risk categories (score) 30-day mortality rate 1-year mortality rate

Derivation Validation Derivation Validation
Very low ( 60) 0.4% 0.6% 7.8% 2.7%

Low (61 to 90) 3.4% 4.2% 12.9% 14.4%

Intermediate (91 to 120) 12.2% 13.7% 32.5% 30.2%

High (121 to 150) 32.7% 26.0% 59.3% 55.5%

Very high (> 150) 59.0% 50.0% 78.8% 74.7%

A more recent article uses the same model to provide a median survival based on the risk scores above:

Life expectancy after an index hospitalization for patients with heart failure: a population-based study.

Am Heart J. 2008 Feb;155(2):324-31. PubMed PMID:18215604.
 Full-size image 

Table II. Mortality and life expectancy for all patients with HF according to the EFFECT HF risk score

No. of patients1-y mortality, n (%)5-y mortality, n (%)Median survival
Median survival for patients who survived first 3 m after hospitalization
Months95% CIMonths95% CI
All patients with HF99433294 (33.1%)6833 (68.7%)2928-304140-43
Baseline risk

 Very low49041 (8.4%)117 (23.9%)NANANANA
 Low3101502 (16.2%)1573 (50.7%)5955-626663-71
 Intermediate42251450 (34.3%)3185 (75.4%)2524-273332-35
 High17701034 (58.4%)1618 (91.4%)87-91817-20
 Very high357267 (74.5%)340 (95.2%)32-41210-15
NA, Not available.

Table IV. Mortality and life expectancy for patients with HF who had LVEF of ≤30% according to the EFFECT HF risk score

No. of patients, n1-y mortality, n (%)5-y mortality, n (%)Median survival
Median survival for patients who survived first 3 m after hospitalization
Months95% CIMonths95% CI
All patients1,467489 (33.3%)966 (65.8%)3127-354642-49
Baseline risk

 Very low13116 (12.2%)32 (24.4%)NANANANA
 Low49889 (17.9%)252 (50.6%)5951-676660-NA
 Intermediate559207 (37.0%)423 (75.7%)2219-273228-36
 High225140 (62.2%)210 (93.3%)64-91814-21
 Very high5437 (68.5%)49 (90.7%)32-8147-24


Also useful is the EPERC FAST FACTS on CHF Prognostication and the Readmission Risk Calculator for CHF (also includes MI and Pneumonia).

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